Design a performance cleat with evolved aspects for the elite rugby athlete.
Seremaia (Jerry) Tuwaii
31 years old
Newtown, Nasinu, Fiji
Professional Fiji Rugby Union
Seven’s Player
20,000 FJD + (Bonuses)
Jerry’s Story
Knife & Fork
Jerry writes “knife and fork” on his rugby boots. As a memento of his mother’s words of wisdom when she gifted him his first pair of rugby boots.
Jerry used to hate training. However, with the right coaching and mentoring, Jerry has become the hardest worker on the team.
The Magician
Jerry’s hard work and desire to be the best has translated into his elusive footwork and magical playmaking skills that earned him the nickname “The Magician”.
The contours from the shape and grooves of a knife and fork from Jerry’s momento tagline.
The sharpness of the tread in tires mimics Jerry’s change of direction in rugby.
Jerry’s style of play is similar to water. He magically flows in and out of tackles. Just as water flows over and around rocks.
Narrow Passage
Cleated boots have narrow openings and are difficult to put on.
Lockdown isn’t secure and ankle support is low.
Laces exposed become a tripping hazard when tacklers are grabbing at your feet. Also, wet laces in inclement weather lose their integrity.
Broad Entry
Design a broader entry for easy and quick access.
Improve design on lockdown in forefront of foot and ankle support.
Design laces to be safeguarded and not exposed to inclement weather or become tripping hazard to athlete.
Different variations of sole plates between Conical and hybrid studs.