I will make your company modern because I bring a perspective that no one else has.

Don’t believe me?

Just ask… or just read below..

This is my story…

sione inu | the dreamer

a.k.a. john drink

My name is Sione Inukiha’angana. Sione Inu for short and John Drink if you can’t pronounce my name correctly.

I am half Native (Lakota) and half Polynesian (Tongan). I grew up on the Cheyenne River Sioux tribe Reservation and in Salt Lake City, UT.

I love sports. Especially — basketball; this is my bread and butter. More importantly, this is where I go when I need to find solace and peace or to clear my mind.

I love the competitiveness and adversity that comes with sports and how sports in many ways teach us about life.

I love art, dance and cooking and my family.

In this journey of pursuing footwear design I’ve come to realize there are none or very few Indigenous and Polynesian designers in footwear.

As I blaze my own trail into the footwear industry, I hope to pave the way for the next generation of Indigenous and Polynesian artist and designers in footwear and design.

sione inu | the family man

My family is everything.

My kids are my greatest creations and will one day go on to surpass me a designer and artist. My kids already draw better than me when I was there age and they have a love for it that already surpasses mine today.

This journey of becoming a footwear designer is not just for me, but for them too. As I pursue my dream of becoming a footwear designer I enable them to dream for themselves too. Whether they follow in my footsteps or not, my example of becoming a footwear designer will help them know, that if I can achieve my dreams— They can too!

My beautiful wife and kids have endured and sacrificed so much as I pursue my dream of becoming a footwear designer and I am forever grateful to them. I would not be who I am today without them.

sione inu | the frac hand

For almost 4 years, I have worked as a Frac Hand or Equipment Operator for multiple Service Frac companies..

I will be real candid, as much as I do not like this job and that this industry is contradicts the essence what design is today.

It has been the silver-lining I’ve always needed.

This job has pushed me beyond my limits many times physically, emotionally, and mentally. I have truly learned what hard work is or what it means to sacrifice. What it really takes to chase your dreams.

To all my frac brothers and sisters. To all my BLUE COLLAR badasses who work a very physically demanding, yet necessary job with dreams and aspirations of something better in life.

This journey is for you! Never stop dreaming and no matter how long it takes to get there. NEVER GIVE UP!

***if i’m interesting enough for your company, peep my resume and portfolio.